
Ultima Online

Ultima Online
Ultima Online 15th Year Anniversary from 1997 - 2012

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

SpellCasting Skills

Spellcasting - an LRC suit can be used for all magic skills that use reagents {Necromancy, Mysticism, and Magery}
A Wizard
Magery: Magery uses reagents to cast spells {as stated above}.These are the magery regs in order from top  left to bottom right:
  Magery Reagents
Nightshade, Mandrake root, Sulfurous Ash, Garlic, Blood Moss, Black Pearl, Spiders silk and ginseng. The book in the pack is a magery spellbook. All full magery spellbooks have 64 spells in them. And to not need reagents in order to cast spell you will need a 100% LRC {Lower Reagent Cost} suit.

Necromancy Reagents
Necromancy: Necromancy is a skill that also uses regs {as stated above}. An LRC suit can also be used to not have to use necromancy regs. However most necromancers dont use lrc suits. Necromancy is a bit like magery except at 100 {GM} necro skill you can cast vampiric embrace and what that does is give you a 20% life leech and 5% mana regeneration bonus. which is very helpful in combat. Necromancy is used in PvP and PvM combat {Player v Player, Player v Monster}. The necro regs are Bat wings, demon blood, pig iron, nox crystal, and grave dust. Necromancy spell books contain 17 spells when it is full.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Wilderness Skills

{Ultima Online} Cu Sidhe
Animal Taming- Taming allows you to control certain creatures from rabbits to Greater Dragons. Taming is a fun skill to have and very useful. I personally like most about taming is that I can sick my pet on the monster and trust that my pet is strong enough rather then rely on my own skill to kill a monster. Click here to view all tameable creatures and this link to view a rather useful  Pet Guide.

Animal Lore - This skill is needed in order to use Animal Taming or Veterinary. Before you tame a creature it checks with your lore skill, so everytime you succeed in taming a creature you gain in animal lore. Animal Lore is also used to see a creature's stats {attributes, resistances, combat rating..etc..}

Veterinary -  Veterinary is extremely useful for healing your pet. You can use magery to heal your pet, however, that healing technique will take allot longer and will use much of your mana.

Ronan Dex {Stargate Atlantic, movie series}
Tracking -  With the tracking skill you can track down players, NPC's, and monsters. Tracking is a useful skill for stealthers, ninja's or any other char template where you frequently go to Felucca and do not wish to "run into" other players. For example, you have a miner char so you mine in Felucca because you get more ore in Fel then you do in Trammel, so you put the tracking skill on your miner so you don't run into any pker's or reds {players that kill other innocent players in Fel turn red}.

Dexxer Skills

This is to answer some frequent questions on which skills do what and what they are best for. =]

 Dexxer skills
Fencing Sword {Real Life}

Fencing: Fencing is somewhat like swordsmanship except the fencing weapons have faster weapon speed and less damage and is most used for PvP ninjas.

Animated Swords
Swordsmanship: Swordsmanship is somewhat like the fencing skill except the weapons are slower and deal more damage to your opponent. mostly used for PvM combat.

 Macing: Macing is allot like the swordsmanship skill and is mostly used for PvP combat. A few of the macing weapons are clubs, mauls, crooks, staffs, and hammers. The skill is mostly used for PvP combat because a few of the macing weapons {hammers are one} has a weapon skill that will disarm your opponent. Extremely useful in combat because once you disarm your opponent then s/he runs around like a dum dum and has to stop in order to rearm his/her weapon, at that point you have a chance to kill him/her.

Archery: Archery is used for both PvP and PvM combat. There are three different kinds of archery weapons, bows, crossbows, and repeating crossbows. Bows are slower then repeating crossbows and faster then most crossbows. Both repeating crossbows and normal crossbows are mostly used in PvP combat since they deal more damage than the bows. both of the crossbows use bolts, bows use arrows.

Throwing:  Throwing is a gargoyle-only skill Gargoyles came out in the Stygian Abyss
expansion Throwing is used in both PvM and PvP combat, most commonly used in PvP combat because  the soul glaive {gargoyle throwing weapon}has a weapon special skill called mortal strike which is extremely useful in PvP combat because you can't heal mortal strike and it slowly drains your life just like poison.

Theif Skills

Thief skills
Of course pickpockets in real life would be a little more subtle in their "pickpocketing" lol.

Stealing - Stealing allows you to steal things off of players in fel,guild or alliance. To me personally thieving is a useless skill, because how many people will keep cursed or uninsured items and go to fel? Very rarely will a thief get anything worth the risk of going to fel and have he himself pked and stolen from after a days hard work on stealing from players in Felucca.

Snooping - Snooping is a side skill need in order to use the stealing skill.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

 PvP Templates

Ninja - A Ninja is a nice PvP template, as you see in movies Ninja's are immortal and they are most commonly pictured as assassins.

Ninja Template Skills:
Assassins Creed Wallpaper
 Stealth -80
Hide - GM
Fencing - 110
Healing - 110
Anatomy - GM
Tactics - 110
Ninjitsu - 110
 These are the only skills you will need for a Ninja template.

Just when you thought they were sooo cute!

Thief- A thief will allow you to steal and snoop players packs in fel or if your in same guild/alliance.

Thief skills:
Hide - GM
Stealth -80
Stealing -GM
Snooping - GM
Ninjitsu - 110
Begging - GM
Tracking - GM

Mage/Mystic/Spellweaver -  A Mage Mystic is an awesome PvP template if you like spellcasting. I personally hate spellcasting so I will use a ninja template on my next PvP character. I really don't know much about spellweaving, however, I do know that if you cast the reaper form it gives you faster spell casting which is quite nice. 

This is the Mage/Mystic/Spellweaver Template:

Magery - 120
Mysticism - 120
Spellweaving - 120
Spell Resist - 120
Evaluating Intelligence - 120
Focus - 120

Will post more later.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

PvM Character Templates

These are a few of the  PvM templates I have seen in UO, hopefully someone finds it helpful in some way. =]

Mage/Peace/Tamer- This template is the most
common taming template in UO, although you
 could go with all kinds of different skills on a
 tamer. a mage peace tamer seems to be the
 simplest.These are the skills if your wanting a
 mage peace tamer:
Peacemaking - 120
Musicianship - 120
Taming - 120
Animal Lore - 120
Veterinary - 120
Magery - 120

Sampire {Sword wielding Vampire}
 SampireOk, a Sampire is basically a Samurai/Vampire. The samurai part comes from the Bushido Skill, the vampire is a necromancer spell called vampiric embrace. What that spell does is it leeches 20% life and gives you 5% mana regeneration. The amount of Necromancy skill needed to cast this spell is 99 minimum. I just take my necromancy up to GM {100 skill} and survive fizzling a few times before I am able to cast it so I don't use so many skill points for just one spell.
Ok, these are two Sampire templates, the one that I list first is the most common one {the one I use}.

Most common Sampire Template:
Any weapon skill - 115 {swordsmanship is most commonly used}
Necromancy - GM {100 skill, Grandmaster}
Bushido -80
 Chivalry - GM
  Parrying - GM
Spell Resist -110
Tactics - 115 
                                All these skills equal to 720 skill points {max skill points}.

This template is more common because these skills are more useful in combat then the template where you add Healing and Anatomy. Quite frankly, you don't need Healing or Anatomy when you use Necromancy because of the Vampiric Embrace spell.

Less common Sampire Template:
Any weapon skill - 115
Necromancy - GM
Bushido - 80
Tactics - 115
Healing - GM
Anatomy - GM
Parry OR Spell Resist - GM {Parry is probably more useful then Spell Resist}

Samurai - Samurai's are nice in group hunts if you like to do that. Not many people use this template b/c it is not that much of a strong template. Although this template can make a nice PvP dexxer template.

Samurai Dude
Samurai skills:                                                
Bushido -GM
Chivalry -GM
Any weapon skill - 110
Tactics - 110
Healing - 110
Anatomy- 110
Parry or Spell Resist - 80 {Again Parry is more useful then Spell Resist, and Parry goes very well with Bushido}.
Orr.... what you can do is take all the skills to GM so you can fit GM Parry.