
Ultima Online

Ultima Online
Ultima Online 15th Year Anniversary from 1997 - 2012

Monday, February 18, 2013

Wilderness Skills

{Ultima Online} Cu Sidhe
Animal Taming- Taming allows you to control certain creatures from rabbits to Greater Dragons. Taming is a fun skill to have and very useful. I personally like most about taming is that I can sick my pet on the monster and trust that my pet is strong enough rather then rely on my own skill to kill a monster. Click here to view all tameable creatures and this link to view a rather useful  Pet Guide.

Animal Lore - This skill is needed in order to use Animal Taming or Veterinary. Before you tame a creature it checks with your lore skill, so everytime you succeed in taming a creature you gain in animal lore. Animal Lore is also used to see a creature's stats {attributes, resistances, combat rating..etc..}

Veterinary -  Veterinary is extremely useful for healing your pet. You can use magery to heal your pet, however, that healing technique will take allot longer and will use much of your mana.

Ronan Dex {Stargate Atlantic, movie series}
Tracking -  With the tracking skill you can track down players, NPC's, and monsters. Tracking is a useful skill for stealthers, ninja's or any other char template where you frequently go to Felucca and do not wish to "run into" other players. For example, you have a miner char so you mine in Felucca because you get more ore in Fel then you do in Trammel, so you put the tracking skill on your miner so you don't run into any pker's or reds {players that kill other innocent players in Fel turn red}.

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